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Friday, February 26, 2010

Headaches? Tell your dentist!

Headaches are generally classified into several basic types: Sinus, Cluster, Tension and Migraine. You can determine which type you have by discussing it with your physician or dentist. While headaches are typically treated by your physician, improper occlusion (your bite) may play a significant role in certain types of headaches as well as other head and neck pain. One type of headache, tension, is by far the most common - estimated by some to be the cause of as much as 90% of all headaches. Further, they are headaches that often originate in, or pain is referred to, the muscles of your forehead. The muscles of the temple area of the forehead are muscles that play and important part in the posturing and closing of the jaw. If your occlusion (bite) is not right, it can lead to abnormal tension in the muscles - one of the several possible causes of tension type headaches. If the bite is not corrected, the muscles may remain tense for long periods of time. The contracted muscle does not get a chance to rest and soon suffers from poor circulation - thus a lack of needed oxygen and the accumulation of waste products of metabolism. The result can be pain in the form of a headache. New technology now allows your dentist to objectively evaluate the state of these muscles and various other factors that may be affecting your bite.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is a post?

A dental "post" is used in instances where the tooth's nerve has been removed. They are not always necessary. Using them depends on how much chewing force will be exerted on the bite and how much tooth structure is left.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Your Natural Teeth - keep them if you can

Sometimes I look at myself and my friends to measure how we are all aging. I would say that none of us has done anything too drastic to retain our youthfulness. You know we keep our hair nice, try to keep the extra weight off, perhaps a little botox... But it was the loss of a tooth in one of my friends (that I have known since high school) - that really got my attention. It wasn't a front tooth but one on the side, visible when he smiles. It was the first time that I really thought of him as older.

The effects on extracting a tooth that can be saved - reach farther than the cosmetic - it also affects the support of the jaw and losing even just one tooth can result in a collapsed bite.

Never extract your teeth if there is another alternative available.
kesteven dental care

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