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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Periodontal disease-silent and deadly

Periodontal disease can go on for years without pain and without detection unless specific examination procedures are performed. Visual oral examination by itself (even by a dentist) will not reliably detect periodontal disease until it has reached an advanced stage.

Early detection and adequate diagnosis require measurement of pockets (the crevice between the tooth and gum) with a periodontal probe. Effective prevention and treatment is available, but the damage caused as the disease progresses is irreversible.

Early detection and treatment is critical to prevent tooth loss and disfigurement. Although the procedure is simple, painless and requires only a few minutes, millions of adults have never had it done.

Signs of periodontal disease - bleeding gums, redness of gum tissue, swelling of gums around the teeth, breath odour, receding gums, mobility of teeth.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Diet and Dental Health

Diets low in certain nutrients reduce resistance to oral and dental infections, that is, periodontal disease (gum disease) and decay. A healthy immune system is essential to controlling periodontal disease.

Counseling in the four basic food groups will improve dental health and general health. The consumption of sugar, especially in sticky forms or in liquids (juice or pop), contributes to the rapid development of dental decay.

Together, a balanced diet, effective brushing and sensible eating habits can reduce the risk of, or even prevent infectious dental disease.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Some dental problems are easy to see!

One of the easiest problems to spot is a build-up of plaque. Plaque is the soft, sticky layer of bacteria, which is constantly forming on the teeth. Usually it is invisible to the naked eye, but when a person is not brushing adequately, it can build up to a thick whitish coating on the teeth at the gum line. If not removed, it can lead to gum disease.

Another potential problem, which is easy to spot, is missing teeth. Many patients assume that if they are still able to eat, they are okay.

But very often, losing just one tooth can lead to the loss of support, and teeth begin to drift into the empty space, causing a change in the bite. It also forces the remaining teeth to carry an additional load, sometimes past the ability of the bite and muscles that support the bite can adapt. In most cases, when even one tooth is lost, the remaining teeth suffer and are more likely to be lost as well. Tooth pain, hot and cold sensitivity, jaw pain and headaches can result.

Our focus is in the treatment of problems such as these. Call our office for the care you need.
kesteven dental care

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