OPEN WIDE......Part Two
Most people are unaware of their teeth grinding (also known as bruxism) until their sleeping partner reports hearing that characteristic sound at night. While stress - and grinding - may come and go, it can have a lasting effect on teeth: wear patterns over the biting surfaces, chipping and cracks in the enamel are signs only your dentist will see. Grinders may notice an unexplained sore jaw or earache. The solution: to stop the grinding, which can only be achieved with a night guard. "It cushions jaw joints and protects the enamel from further breakdown," Veisman says. Just be sure it's customized by your dentist, Tompkins warns - a poor fit may cause teeth to shift.
If your dentist suspects grinding, your jaw is sore or your spouse just can't take it anymore, consider a night guard. It's also important to address your stress, by including exercise, relaxation and meditation.
To be cont.....
Most people are unaware of their teeth grinding (also known as bruxism) until their sleeping partner reports hearing that characteristic sound at night. While stress - and grinding - may come and go, it can have a lasting effect on teeth: wear patterns over the biting surfaces, chipping and cracks in the enamel are signs only your dentist will see. Grinders may notice an unexplained sore jaw or earache. The solution: to stop the grinding, which can only be achieved with a night guard. "It cushions jaw joints and protects the enamel from further breakdown," Veisman says. Just be sure it's customized by your dentist, Tompkins warns - a poor fit may cause teeth to shift.
If your dentist suspects grinding, your jaw is sore or your spouse just can't take it anymore, consider a night guard. It's also important to address your stress, by including exercise, relaxation and meditation.
To be cont.....