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Friday, November 6, 2009

Receding gums

The next most common complaint after bleeding gums is receding gums. If you have a high lipline, this may become an esthetic problem, especially if you have crowns, because it the tissue receds, then the previously hidden junction of the tooth and crown will eventually become exposed. Even the most natural looking crowns can't stand exposure of that type. What you may find unsightly may be the root of your tooth, which is usually darker than the crown.

If you notice the recession of your gums, whether miniscule or major, the first thing you need to do is see a dental professional, likely a hygienist for a dental cleaning. Don't neglect your cleanings. Allowing bacterial plaque to accumulate around the gumline will only make matters worse. The tissue will only get more sensitive and in time, shrinkage (recession) will occur.
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